Note: This is a concept, feel free to comment and discuss more on the ideas.

ETT or Exposure To Tech

An ETT or Exposure To Tech is a proposed economic index value which should exist for every individual. ETT can determine the exposure a person has with the “Technology” around him. The word “Technology” sounds absurd and vague in its natural way but this is a direct calculation of how much he is capable of working with existing technologies like for example mobile phones, apps, websites, software systems which are installed around us or to simply put it, as the direct knowledge of things which work digitally.

As we are progressing towards making everything around us digitally and artificially enabled, we need to know how many people we are leaving behind in this process. To promote an overall growth and sustainability for equal opportunities, this value will help companies and government agencies in their every day decision making and planning.


To determine the ETT value for the knowledge of every person whether how advanced or how exposed he is to the latest and the currently established technologies. We are innovating tech and producing softwares which will make our life simpler and easier but have we asked ourselves whether everyone around us are ready(capable) to use it? Thus the aim is also to promote the need of educating and progressing tech in people along with the advancement of our industries.

What promotes a global technology movement? A more simplified outlook of the world where everyone is committed to achieving everything they want to by utilising what technology has to offer.


  1. To help government and private agencies in determining the overall ETT score of the geographic form.
  2. To help agencies and companies in strategising their marketing techniques for the overall benefit of the region in which it is planning to expand to or is presently setup.
  3. To do a comparative analysis between regions to ensure newer and better reform methods which can take place for helping the region to get aware of the latest and the most used technology.
  4. To make a suitable hiring process for people in all types of jobs, so that every job is determined by a ETT score (based on the job)


  1. To know whether which technologies are relevant and decide their weights in determining a score for the ETT.
  2. To maintain and produce a list of phones, apps, websites, software systems, automation systems, industry softwares which are there in the market.
  3. To standardise a set of Questionnaire which will determine this score.
  4. How will the ETT keep updating? Will the devices be equipped with this updation factor via some authentication or something similar of sorts?
  5. An electronic device/software program/user interface can have variable amounts of difficulty. To an extent we might think that this could be common for every device which is part of one particular domain. Eg., all internet/browser related softwares could be accounted for one particular difficulty level, all visual interfaces in cities/offices/transport systems could be of one particular difficulty level. The difficulty level decides what ETT score the person should have to operate that device.
  6. Come up with or measure the difficulty level of all country’s major existing devices/softwares/interfaces at a scale factor. This scale factor could help the newer/upcoming inventions to think about and scale it to the next level.

Devices around us

  • RFID systems
  • Devices which connect with Bluetooth/NFC/Wireless Networks
  • Smart Home/Smart AI (Alexa/Google Home)/AR/VR Systems/Smart Televisions/Other IOTS Devices/Speakers/AV Systems/Cameras
  • Transport - Metro Systems, Self Check-in Kiosks at airport, Face/Fingerprint scanners, Barcode Scanners, Autonomous vehicles/Hoverboards
  • Offices - Reception and Check-in, Smart Projectors/TV/Conference Rooms
  • Internet - Softwares (everything included), E-commerce, Course Platform, Websites, Apps/Games/Gaming Consoles
  • More can be added….

Mentions about digital divide -

Paul Romer, NYU Stern, Nobel Prize Winner - Even within the developed world, there are increasing concerns of how a growing “digital divide” can hurt underserved populations. Recent research in the US revealed that nearly one in five teenagers are not always able to finish their homework because they lack access to a computer or the internet.